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200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training




4 months


About the Course

YogaSource 200-Hour Teacher Training - 2023 Dates Coming Soon


Advance your practice, cultivate equanimity, and journey into teaching!

This foundational 200-Hour training, accredited by Yoga Alliance, is designed to give students a deeper understanding of the 8 limbs of yoga, including the philosophy, pranayama, meditation, and asana — as well as provide students with tools to develop their own equanimity, sense of self, and authentic voice. On that foundation, students will begin to explore the vast pedagogy of yoga, build skills think critically about the practices of yoga, and teach others using a simple, methodical approach. Students will practice advanced alignment-based asana each morning and dive into discussions, lectures, and hands-on skills labs each afternoon.

More details can be found at


Topics Covered:

  • Advanced asana, pranayama, and meditation practices

  • Functional anatomy and physiology of the whole bodyInjury prevention and recovery for teachers and students

  • Smart, logical, and purposeful sequencing

  • Subtle body anatomy and traditional eastern healing systems

  • Finding your voice as a teacher and developing clear, concise cues

  • Detailed alignment of commonly taught postures, as well as modifications and benefits

  • Pedagogy of yoga, and how to instruct with inquiry and encourage active learning

  • Teaching skills, including how to use hands-on adjustments and keep students safe

  • History of yoga and the influence of different cultures on yogic practices

  • Philosophy of yoga including the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, and Vedic Texts

  • Modern application of yoga and teaching to special populations

*Please note, this training does not prepare you to teach pilates, sculpt, or other strength-only classes. This training will focus on alignment-based foundations of teaching. **This training will have an enrollment minimum of 10 students. If the minimum is not met, this training may be postponed.

Dates for 2023: To be announced soon

Students must be able to attend to 90% of the training and complete 90% of the assignmetns to be eligible for certification. Students should plan to complete 5-10 hours of homework per week.


Hillary Acer, E-RYT 500

Hillary Easom, E-RYT 500

Nikki Smithson, E-RYT 500

Mary Lynn Fitton, CYT, NP

and many more!



$3150 Early Bird Pricing

$3450 Full Pricing


Payment plans available upon request. Two scholarships will be available to BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or students in need of financial support. Please email with your scholarship inquiry for this training before June 25th to be considered. 

Plus receive unlimited classes each week and20% off YogaSource class packages during training!



More information can be found at


If you have additional questions, please email 

Your Instructor

Hillary Acer, E-RYT 500

Hillary Acer, E-RYT 500

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